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Character Creation and Management

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Character Creation and Management Empty Character Creation and Management

Post  paroikos Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:21 am

Creating Characters

To compete or roleplay in the Coliseum or other areas you will need a character. The easiest way to create a character is to use the Character Builder from the official Dungeons and Dragons website. If you don't have it and don't wish to pay for it, then you still must use the most current rules set used in the Character Builder. Check the current rules set sticky to make sure you match up.

*Dragonmark feats and Spellscarred characters are currently not allowed*

You are allowed to have as many characters as you want, but there are restrictions on what level you can create characters at (except for level 1 characters, you can make as many as you want). Your highest level character determines this. If they are in the Heroic Tier (level 1-10) you can create characters 1 level below them and lower. If it is in the Paragon Tier (11-20) you can create characters 2 levels below them and lower. If it is in the Epic Tier (21-30) you can create characters 3 levels below or lower. If your highest is level 4, then you can create a new character from level 1 to 3. If it is 19 then they can be 1 to 17. If your highest is level 25 then you can create a new character from level 1 to 22.

If you gain the ability to make characters of a new level, you cannot simply upgrade your other characters. Characters have to earn their way up. This is to keep roleplay alive. Once you level up a character you cannot lower their level.

Characters at level 1 start out with a wealth of 100 gp. At any time your character's combined equipment cost cannot exceed your wealth. Higher level characters will start out with more wealth. A table will be provided for this in the future.

You have a character sheet page in your profile. You may put one character here, and it will be displayed on your posts. Do this especially if you want to be associated with that character. Whether you do this or not, you MUST post all characters you have made in the Characters forum. Put them all under one post with your name somewhere in the title. You can just keep editing them into the same post, or reply to your own post to add more. Include all information you would normally put on a character sheet for each, plus the wealth level. Check the example posted there to help.

Managing Characters

You are free to change around you characters almost as much as you want. What you cannot change is name, race, class, level, gender, or experience. As long as all records of your character match the current set up, then changing anything else is fine. Trading out items is also fine, as long as your total item value equals your character's wealth.

You can also delete characters whenever you want to, but if you delete your highest level then your creation restrictions will go back down.

Improving Characters

After battles you will receive experience and sometimes gold, the Battle Master will tell you how much of each. Gold will add into your wealth and can be spent on any items for your character. When you level up, all you have to do is update the character to make it the appropriate level.

Also note that potions, ammunition, and other consumable magic items will count as "Daily" items. You will be resupplied after an extended rest.

These rules may change or be updated. There will almost always be an announcement when they are, but you are responsible for knowing the most up to date version of these rules.

You may post questions about these rules below.
Grand Battle Master

Posts : 30
Join date : 2010-03-02
Age : 36
Location : Baelric Bay, Everett, Eventyr

Character sheet
Name: Jamanros Falconflight
Race: Human
Class: Level 1 Ranger


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